The Destruction of Dancehall Music
As the Dancehall music rapidly increases the messages being sent are becoming more acknowledged. Dancehall is not all about music, to some it is a way of life, to others it may be a means on meditation and relaxation. Some listen and are influence by the words and idolize the dictators and hence are greatly influenced.
The messages that some deejays are sending to the society has surpassed intolerance. They are atrocious. The Dancehall music has lost its essence and now promotes criminal activities like murder. The writers of these frightening songs claim that their music should not be taken seriously, but just as words, this cannot be so.
Gone are the days when two men could solve their disputes by talking and expressing their upsets morally and without war.
a line taken form a song sang by two popular and idolized Dancehall artistes read. "straight "AK" and "45" dis mi an me take away yuh life". The words suggest that is would be better for one to kill a man because he was insulted than to talk about their problems. these words are vulgar and it matters not if it is intended to be taken as just words.
Dancehall artistes must realize that once they are idolized and are deemed as role models, whatever they sing, whatever message they send, someone WILL follow, hence the need for discipline without the Dancehall.
- Disrespect towards women...
- Disrespect and irreverence towards God
The need for discipline in the Dancehall is strongly recommended. We must take heed before something goes terribly wrong within our society.
"and not (now*)promotes"
"and are deems (deemed*)"
"every chance he (they*)"
Well while most of this is true we have the relevant bodies to assist in the censoring of such derogatory content. Dancehall isn't just a genre of music, as u mention it is a life style, a means of entertainment and relaxation, but an integral point u missed was that it is an avenue of obtaining income for many. Why is a matter of vogue as in what is hot and what is not. Majority of the dancehall artiste are intellectually stunned at a particular level, which is very evident in a Mavado, a Popcawn or a suhverto. What I would recommend is that these artiste take the time out from their busy schedules to advance their education. However, this option is not seen as a necessity as their music continue to reach gullible fans who are oblivious that what they are really listening to is melody and the beat. While artistes may relay some disturbing messages as mentioned about killing if violated. Every human has a brain to think for themselves and one should remember that in court if you were to explain that you committed a crime because a song told you to "your ass is grass". Women portrayed in dancehall is another dilema to itself. While the more mature portion of the female populous will not condone the slackness uttered by these lyricist it is targeted to the younger more immature females and it seems these females cant get enough of these songs. I will leave those that cross that path of the lord to his judgment and his alone. In concluding, every artistes/deejay has the choice of hat they want to sing and the message they want to disport. It is up to one to differentiate or imitate their music from other but there is n excuse for using derogatory terms to get ur points across. Unless ur dumb of
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