Sunday, October 3, 2010

Are women really being exploited? Are the really the takers of men’s shit?

Posted by Dervin's thoughts On 9:16 AM 6 comments

Women; an adult female person, the fairer sex, the ultimate treasure in a man’s life. The Ying to their Yang, the milk to their tea, the curry to their goat and the takers of their shit?
I recently started studying sociology, I must add that I have a profound fascination with the subject, and while studying the major sociological perspectives I stumbled upon one that I found quite entertaining.

All of us at some point must have been victims of women seeking to find a target to unleash their anger. Men however seem to bear the blunt of most attacks.  The popular complaints being how ungrateful men are, men who leave the toilet seat up, unfaithful men, men who just don’t understand how to treat a woman, the list goes on. But who would have thought that men would piss women off to the point where they would form an anti-men organization called the Feminist movement?

The purpose of this post is to see the views of the feminist and to come to a conclusion to whether they are in fact being exploited or this movement is as a result of their monthly period. There are three types of feminists: Liberal, Marxist and Radical.

The Liberal Feminists, who I believe are the most selfless ones, wants quality for all, both men and women alike. This however, can be both good and bad. They believe that there should be no gender requirements for anything, such as work.  How many times have we heard people say that men who are nurses are queer and females in construction are lesbians?

It would be great to live in a world where there is no gender tag placed on anything. But freedom goes even further. The freedom according to the Liberals would also mean the end to chivalry! This will also be the end of social roles set for both men and women. Let’s go in further detail. The liberals believe that to achieve success, women would have to say goodbye to the luscious life they live where men are told to do everything. Eg: if a guy and girl were to go on a date, they will both be required to pay their own bill even if the man was the one who asked the girl out. This also goes for opening the door, a woman has hands, she can open the door herself can’t she? Why should I, the man, open the car door then walk all the way around to open the car for this woman.  I don’t think that would be a bad thing for men.

But men? You will also be at a disadvantage. Since there will be no gender roles, you will be required to do everything that a loving wife usually does, wash your own plate, clean your own bathroom, wash your own clothes!
So you will see that if the Liberal Feminists were to have their own way, the only way to distinguish a man from a woman would not be by their actions, but by what they have in their pants.

The Marxist or Socialist Feminists believes women are takers of shit! Fran Ansley a Marxist feminist said “Women are the ‘ takers of shit’ who act like ‘a sponge soak up’ the husbands unhappiness and lack of satisfaction.”

They believe that women put up with foolishness from their husbands. The Karl Marx’s theory says that there will be a revolution by the lower class to over throw the rich, now the Marxist Feminists say that this revolution will not happen because of women. They say that when men come home from work frustrated because of his boss he takes out his frustration on his wife whether by abuse or bad sex. The women also say that they are being exploited by men. They wash, cook and clean so by right they should be paid for the work they do. I am left to wonder what world these feminists were living in. Are these women who they are being exploited naked, starving and living on the streets while their husbands are fully clothed, healthy and living in a house?  If you are a woman and you live in a house not paying rent, you’re getting food and money for clothes then in fact you are being paid! That is the major criticism of the Marxist Feminists.

The Socialists also say that women are forced to endure bad sex. The critics say that if their husbands are performing poorly then it is the fault of the women. Don’t they have mouths? Can’t they tell their husband that the sex is not good? And if he continues to perform badly then aren’t they free to leave?

Radical feminism is a philosophy emphasizing the patriarchal roots of inequality between men and women, or, more specifically, social dominance of women by men. Radical feminism views patriarchy as dividing rights, privileges and power primarily by gender, and as a result oppressing women and privileging men.

The Radical Feminists now say that women are dominated by men and no matter what, women will never be on top. And example of this would be in the workplace - a man may become a CEO and a woman can only become a manager. They also say that men are given more freedom and women are forced to abide by his freedom. They say women are forced to stay within the shadows of men. If a man is at a football match then his wife has to be there cheering in the stands, but if a woman has a netball match the man would be at home snoring his nose off. The Radicals paint a tainted picture of men, portraying them as arrogant and self centered. But women are free. They are no laws that say a woman must follow the man, why not step in front of him? If you stay in his shadow that because you want to stay in his shadow. If you didn’t want to go to that football match then you could have stayed home. Who cares if the man vex? And also, aren’t their good men out there? Is it that all Radical Feminists been only exposed the jerks?

So whats the verdict? Are women really being exploited? Are they really the takers of men’s shit?


We need a Menimist Movement. It is time we start reclaiming our place. The Anti-men movement is predicated on a psychological guilt trip where women make men feel guilty for being men. We don't know who we are anymore. We feel endangered.

It's funny but its men who usually pay alimony and it is men who generally lose custody of the kids and get arrested in any accusation of domestic violence. Men are endangered species.

Dervii this was a very interesting post, i for 1 as a female can tell you that i find the feminist movements to be rubbish, i think they believe woman can't stand on their own or speak for themselves, the world is not like 1 time where women were "shit takers" women actually don't put up with men bad sex or bad behavior due to work a small sense women are being exploited but not as much as they trying to make it sound

I found this quite intriguing.

Firstly, I'd like to say,that personally my reason for paying half and half for a meal is because some men think they can take step with you just because they paid for your it. To me chivalry is already dead. When was the last time you saw a man under the age of 25 pull out a chair for his date?

Secondly. How would you like to stay at home all day cooking & cleaning for your woman who comes home shouting begins at you making you feel bad, and when you ask them for money she keeps tabs on you asking you what you needed it for? Down to the toilet paper you use to wipe your ass she controls and monitors, why? Because you aren't the provider, you have no control. Imagine if its a woman twice your size and she turns around a slaps you a good one if you say one thing to them in the form of a protest. How easy is it to walk away when your fearing for your life, or for the life of your child.

It is a well known fact that men are more likely to reach a higher status in a company, not only because of social norms, but simply because women are more likely to take a leave of absence (maternity leave, days off for a sick child etc). Obviously businesses will choose the man over the woman.

I think these groups are formed by women who witnessed this kind of behaviour and do not want it to happen to them.

Please also take into account that these stereo types were created years ago and doesn't necessarily reflect today's version of a feminist.

Re bruce: Men are endangered species my ass, the odds that men lose custody of their kids is now the same for women, and alimony is probably paid because the man is making more money than the woman. Reclaim what place??? Y'all are still on top. It's not a guilt trip, its to tell y'all to stop treating women like shit and that if we want, be can be equal to or greater that you.

Forgive me if my thoughts are all over the place, i am half awake as i type this, i could not however stop my argumentative nature.

No, i dont think women are shit takers, some are, but some aren't. Some are willing to put up with it and keep their mouths shut, others aren't.I dont even think it has anything to do with being a woman, but more about personality traits because some men take shit from women too.

Sorry for the long rant lmao


i might use your response for my next blog post...mind telling me who you are?

First of all, I must truly say I'm highly impressed with how objective you were in your post, well at least to a certain extent.
To begin, I'm a Liberal Feminist according to the definition that provided. In an effort to address the issue of equality, I believe that men and women should have the same social rights and opportunities in our society.
However, due to the patriarchal legacy that has passed down from generations to generations, society has failed to change their perspective about gender equality as a result.

Now, comparing decades ago to contempary society, the roles women have played and are playing in society have severly changed with time. This much I'm sure you can agree with. It is for this reason why women need to be given the same opportunities in life. We have all evolved into intellectual beings, both men and women and our level of articulacy as women is nothing short of spectacular. However, we feel as though society is NOT giving us a chance to assert ourselves in the way that we ought to.

The Feminist Movement acts as a way of pooling the efforts of women who are innately gifted with leadership skills, yet are being oppressed by society and as a way of combating all these negative vibe, strong women come together for a mighty cause. They often say "a finger breaks easily, but having many fingers coming together will make a mighty FIST!" This is what the Feminist Movement is about. We want to assert ourselves in society, but they are not overtly giving us this opportunity!

So you ask, are women being exploited or are they takers of the ill-treatment bestowed up on them by men? Yes, women are being exploited! But those who want to make a change stand up for the cause and assert themselves in whatever way they can. Those who dont {the takers of the crap}, they are forever chained and held captive in the mind! As women, we NEED to stand for a cause, else we will fall for anything!


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