Monday, June 20, 2011

Are men expected to cheat?

Posted by Dervin's thoughts On 4:39 PM No comments

Musician Tyrese Gibson a few months ago made the statement in an interview with Wendy Williams that men are expected to cheat, Wendy didnt take the comment too well and immediately blocked Tyrese from explaining what he was trying to say. He did however, blurt out that it's because of men's upbringing and that it's a horrible double standard in the society.

It sparked my interest and hence the reason for this post. First let us fully try to understand the word "expect". Some definitions include
i) Regard (someone) as likely to do or be something
ii) regard something as probable or likely
iii) look forward to the probable occurrence of

So with those three definitions listed I asked myself, do people look forward to the probable occurrence of men cheating? My answer is yes. It is evident almost everywhere you go, you see it on the internet, hear it in the music and of course the convos among females or the boastful "who got more" by men.

 When we say 'expected' it doesnt mean that they must or will, as you can see from the definitions listed above. It is therefore the impression one gets from the society and the lessons it has taught that men are more likely to cheat than women, fueling the belief that men are expected to cheat.

 Take for example on twitter i see a lot of "Why Do Men Cheat?" tweets. In movies i hear a lot of "all men are dogs hunny". Now none of these expressly state that men will cheat, but the mere fact that there is bias (or inequality) one can imply that the lesson being taught here is, women should be cautious of men. WHY? What should they expect? hmmm?

Reading at article the other day entitled Ten Reasons Why Men Cheat i found a point that says men cheat because of their upbringing, they are told that having women is an image booster for them, the more they have, the more they will be respected and given a prestigious reputation. Women also learn about that lesson men are taught, they are given "the talk" about boys when they turn 13 and start to date, fathers become overly protective of their daughters sometimes even warning them about how disgusting men can be. All of this preparing the child for what could possibly happen - being cheated on.

Some sociologist say that black men are expected to cheat because of their historical background. African men were known to have many spouses and this tradition was passed down from generation to generation

Would you like to look at it in the biblical sense?

So you see, whether you like it for not, men are expected to cheat because of the gender inequalies and double standards upheld by the society.

Though saying that men are expected to cheat, Tyrese maintains that not all men cheat.


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