Friday, April 16, 2010


Posted by Dervin's thoughts On 2:50 PM No comments

everyone who knows me kno that my heart ache when i come across a tacky, low class, bhutto person. everything associated with a bhutto person will without doubt be butu!.
i;m not gonna me talking about tacky ppl in general today, bcuz honestly i dont have the time, and you guys would be reading from now till a mawning.. but anyways.. i'm gonna be talking about some tacky promoters and their tacky parties.. you know the type of ppl who call themselves "promoters" and walking around with nokia flashlight phones, worn out t-shirts, the narrowminded .....ugh!!!!! me cyaa even describe dem!, you kno the one dem weh come a ppl party with dem entourage and butu ppl? dem one shoes! di one dem weh hang out at the bhuttoest club in kingston (which will remain nameless, they might sue)..anyways i am tired of seeing them trying to get a buss in the inclusive parties...ITS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN, stick your socials! you guys need training! and some other these underdeveloped "promotions" group on facebook need to delete yourselves...god know...these promoters lack knowledge, they dont know how to conduct themselves in the public, the juss humiliate themselves in public. where is your sense of class. DONT YOU GET THAT PPL DONT TAKE YOU GUYS SERIOUSLY!!!....and i'm targeting a specific crew right now, i have my links and i take note of everything that you do, you pass remarks when you see me and think i juss brush it off??? GET THIS, I'M THE REASON WHY THEY DIDNT HIRE YOU OK, WHATEVER YOU CALL YOURSELVES!!!!!....GROW THE HELL UP!!!!! GO TO SCHOOL, GET SOME EDUCATION!!!!


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