the whole blackberry phase exploded last year where ppl from all walks of life were sporting a man, paster, garbage truck man, everybody a sen on pin... of course when ppl see you walking with a blackberry they automatically you look at you in a whole different light, imagine this, you ugly nuh mug and yuh nuh jug, and you have a girl NO SOMETIME UNU AFFI TANK GOD FI ppl mek we clear up supm...the PEARL is not considered a blackberry!!!! we juss call it RIM's little pet, yuh know like how ghetto ppl have dem one likkle mongrel dog? the pearl is RIMs little mongrel....suh no yuh nah guh get nuh girl if is a pearl yuh have, and noooooo me nah give yuh me pin if is a pearl yuh have! me done tell yuh...
anyways lets get down to reason for this blog. we all know that the blackberry adds to a persons swagger, and so we're going to discuss what each blackberry signifies... see which type you are compatible with...LETS GO!
1) the Blackberry Mongrel (lol): for ppl who desperately want a blackberry fone but only have $10, personally woulda gwan save
2) the Blackberry Curve 8300 series, you'll mostly find customer care reps, clerks and ppl like that with this phone, the curve is rather addictive and these ppl find it hard to let go, personally i think its a cute fone and it makes you look rich and stylish not all blackberries do that (the storm doesnt)
3) the Blackberry Bold: me seriously tiad fi see pickney wid dis fone!! nooooo this mini computer is not for you!. the Bold, as says is for BOLD person, business persons, ppl who actually use their blackberries for business...and it also makes that person looks important (bold)
4) ths Storm series. The storm is call RIMs little poodle, its another project by RIM...i personally think that the Storm doesnt add to a persons characters, maybe you'll find ppl who are fasinated with touchscreen having the storm
5) the Blackberry Javelin, the javelin is a cute little fone that everybody wanted at one point, but is slowly coming out of style... i give it the same rating at the storm in that it doesnt add to a persons character
6)the Blackberry Curve 8500 series or the Gemini, hmmmm...Ppl like this phone bcuz its cheap and current, i think its following the footsteps of the previous curve series...i think its a cute little girly phone and it makes the girl look cute to me
7) the Bold2..mhaaaaaaaddddd this phone shows that yuh full a swag, dah phone yah seh yeh! me have me dutty money!'ll mostly find technology freaks with this phone, if you're a techno junky then it doesnt make you look rich it juss shows that you love technology, but if you're not a techno junky and you have onem it shows that you have money...
dont feel offended pearl all one big happy family...THERE ARE BLACKBERRIES, THEN THERE'S THE PEARL..:p
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