Yesterday Twitter was the center for the biggest celebrity clashes ever!
We’ve gotten use to celebrities going at each other twitter. Earlier this year we saw twitter beefs between Fabulous and Soulja boy, The Game and Marque Houston and 50cent and JaRule, but the biggest and juiciest one to date has got to be the clash between RnB Superstar Chris Brown and RnB has been Razb. Don’t remember who that is? Don’t worry, neither did %90 of the twitter population.
Razb was a member of the group B2K, still lost? Ugh! B2K was an all boy group, they sang Boom Boom Boom. Omarion was the leader of the group. Who’s Omarion? GOSH!!!! He’s the one who sang ICE BOX.
Still lost? Ok here are pics.
<<< is that Lip Gloss on Omarion's Lip?
lol I know. I'm such an ass
Anyways, back to the beef. At about 2pm yesterday afternoon RazB was at home trying to find a way get some attention. So he started tweeting about his “infatuation” with Rihanna. Then it clicked! Why not start arguing with Chris Brown?
He started tweeting about how he would never understand how people like Chris Brown would disrespect women like Rihanna. Of Course, no one knew of his ranting because he only had 20,000 followers at the time and yes surprisingly he had “Verified” beside his name. Attention was only brought to him when Chris Brown responded and Chris went HARD! Check it out!
Chris Brown's Tweets

Chris Brown in the end, stressed the fact that he is not homophobic and that his comments were not general, he wasn’t bashing the gay community as RazB was trying to imply, he was bashing RazB.
RazB's Tweets
Chris also helped RazB career. RazB followers count more than tripled moving from 22000+ to 78000+ and a music video posted on Youtube in June by RazB entourage finally got some views and comments after Chris Brown tweeted the video link.
You guys know what RaZb was referring to when he tweeted about Chris’s abusiveness. But I’m aware that many persons are lost as to what Chris was talking about. So let me give yall the scoop.
Razb released some videos of himself admitting and accusing his one time producer Chris Strokes, molested him. OMG I juss got what Chris brown meant when he said RazB has a tattoo on his back saying “Different Strokes” touché Chris, Touché.
He then later included Marques Houston, brother of Omarion, in the scandal and accused Marques of raping him as well. Ray J said that he asked Marques about the allegations and said that he did NOT deny it. GURRRLLLL.
Wait who’s Ray J? He’s the guy that made Kim Khardasion famous, i.e. the sex tape.
And Guess WAH! I did some more research. RazB also said that Bow Wow and Lil Fizz had sexual relations.
And during the twitter trace, RazB claimed that Chris Brown is Andre Merrit’s boyfriend. Don’t know who Andre Merrit is? Neither do it.
Interesting post, amidst a few glaring typos.
Kardashian. Just sayin'.
lol :) my cuz
sweet ;-)
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